How Much Does it Cost to Have a Book Written?

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Written/Edited by
Robert S. Nahas

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Your Book Can Finally be Written!
Few pursue their book dream, most dream of pursuing their book. Don't wait another day to start your book, get it written by a true professional writer or be mentored and write your own book...








Mr. Nahas is currently accepting submissions for consideration of his next collaboration, ghost write or mentoring project. DON'T MISS THIS OPPORTUNITY TO HAVE ONE OF THE BEST WRITERS WRITE YOUR BOOK.

Send an e-mail
with a brief description of your book idea or simply request you be contacted and Mr. Nahas, himself, will contact you as he insists on speaking directly to anyone he considers a possible client for a book.

A good writer makes all the difference!
Your Book Can be on it's Way to the Printer in as Little as a Few Months! Don't put it off any longer.

Contact Robert S. Nahas regarding your book today!


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